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  • Writer's picturestephieduncan77

Let's talk Chewing!

Did you know dogs teeth 3 times?

Most people don't. I'll go into my dog groups about once a day and someone will say "My dog is about 1 year old and all the sudden is chewing up everything again-- I thought we were past this!" or "My dog must be having separation anxiety-- he started chewing up everything again. What should I do?"

But like I said, dogs teeth 3 times. Once when they're getting their teeth and it is so cute they can't decide if they should teeth or if they should suckle. But you'll never see this side of them because they're only a few weeks old and still with mom.

The second is when all their teeth fall out and they make a mess and chew, chew, chew at around 6 months old.

This third time is what people don't commonly know and it is about a year old. Their teeth will actually grow into their jaw and it gets swore so they will find things to chew. Couch, table, dog bed, or marriage license (true story). So make sure at about 1 year old you have all the things you had for them at 6 month old. And don't be afraid to go through toys at least it's not something special.

Now let's talk separation anxiety. Dogs have figured out people just as we have figured out them (some of us--others think they're people). They found out if they're bad then they will get attention. So acting like a sad/scared puppy gets them what they want-- you. So make sure before you decide they have separation anxiety they aren't board. Dogs need to learn how to get board and still be good dogs. This is why we create train and why I've already started them.

Back to chewing. A dog that steals socks, underwear, shoes, hats, gloves or any other wearable item. This is not a dog that is chewing either. They're putting something in their mouth with YOU on it. They're actually doing it out of love. They're finding things you have sweat in, something high in your hormone. Normally it start with just sniffing, then just holding it in their mouth, then eating. Then comes a super expensive trip to the vet. Ahh!

This dog will need to get more one on one time. More trick training. More time with you rolling around with them on the floor. This isn't going to solve the problem because there are always be times when you can't just drop everything and play on the floor. But you know you'll feel better playing with the dog than playing another game on your phone.

So we've gone over what a dog should not chew. Now let's talk about what they should.

Different dogs can have different toys. I have little kids and will not give my dogs stuffed toys because my kids have stuffed toys that I don't want to ruin. I have ballers (dogs that love tennis balls), dogs that love tug and chewers. I LOVE nylabone. Made in America and tough. They make all different flavors and sizes. Pay attention to sizes. Never give a big done little bones. Little dogs might want a big toy. But just know you're going to stub your toe and step on it and their favorite bone is going to be the same color as your carpet.

Rope are great as long as your dog won't eat them. Don't let your dog eat them or you're taking that trip to the vet.

I hope you have answered some of your chewing questions. If you have any more please feel free to contact me on our facebook page Duncan Doodles and Friends or send me a message via the website. Happy chewing!

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