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  • Writer's picturestephieduncan77

Why a Kennel Free Environment?

Have you ever had a dog that was afraid of the vacuum and/or the dishwasher? Have you ever met a dog that doesn't seem to understand people do walk past your house all the time and they don't really need to bark at them? A lot of big breeders have so many dogs that they can't have all their dogs in their living environment. I understand, I wouldn't want to have 13 dogs running around my house either.

I have three. Two are intact females that I can breed. The other is a "rescue." So I will only be having one litter at a time. But this also means that I can keep all the puppies in my living room and sleeping in my bedroom at night. They will hear the vacuum, dishwasher and kids. They'll be around my other dogs, play in a backyard and come inside when we're done. There wont be many things that happen in a home that they wont have seen.

I love animals. This being said I have a sub-division zoo. I probably have close to every animal that my neighborhood will allow me. We have birds, dogs, a cat and fish. Plus we have friends and family coming over constantly. People will be walking past my house on an hourly basis throughout the day.

These are our pets. We will not be getting rid of them. When these dogs get to old to breed they will still be living with us like they've always known.

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